Interview coming soon.
Author statement
The piece is about honesty, wisdom, envy and deception. In the beginning, honesty introduces a simple melody. The deception sets in a little later and imitates and varies this melody, while the envy mumbles in the background and tries to disturb both of them.
Wisdom tries on the one hand to uncover the deviations and errors of the deception compared to the original melody of honesty and on the other hand puts envy in its place when it threatens to become too cocky. Eventually, however, envy and deception take on a life of their own, and honesty and wisdom take a back seat, which threatens the whole
piece to fall apart. Out of this impasse, honesty takes over its original melody one last time, which restores harmony. The envy takes on an accompanying role instead of disturbing the melody with its own interjections and the deception retreats to a single tone
that gives everything a mysterious shimmer. Wisdom and honesty come together, while deception and envy gradually dissolve. In the end, all that remains is honesty, because (as a German saying goes): “Honesty lasts the longest”.
Biography Susanne Hardt
Susanne Hardt (*1993, Mainz) is a German (film) composer, based in Dresden. In 2016 she completed her bachelor’s degree in music theory at the Dresden University of Music and in 2020. She completed her master’s degree in film music at the Babelsberg Film University.

She has received many prizes for her compositions, including a Special mention at the European Talent Award 2018 and the first prize in the competition for film music and sound design at the Leipzig Film Festival Kurzsüchtig 2014.
In 2015 she was awarded the Carl-Maria von Weber scholarship from the university and also received the scholarship Schloss Wiepersdorf from Jeunesses Musicales Germany.
Most recently she wrote the film music for the German television series “Ethno” with Natalie Hausmann. She currently works as a lecturer at the Dresden University of Music and the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz.