David Šimeček

Since his childhood, David proves himself as an outstanding talent and alaureate of several competitions, such as Concertino Praga, National Competition of Conservatories, Youth and Bohuslav Martinů and the CzechClarinet Art in Hořice, Czech Republic. After graduating at grammar school, he began his musical studies at the Conservatory of České Budějovice, during which he already… Continue reading David Šimeček

Categorized as musicians

Štěpán Drtina

Štěpán Drtina (*1988) has studied at Prague Conservatory and HAMU. He had classes with Renata Strašrybková, Miroslav Petráš, Michal Kaňka, Jiří Bárt, Dmitrij Ferschtman, Anner Bylsma, Wolfgang Boettcher and Lugwig Quandt. Štěpán plays mainly with Pavel Bořkovec Quartet and piano trio Solaris3. In addition he is part of the National Theatre Orchestra. He’s played in… Continue reading Štěpán Drtina

Tracking user in web VR

When we wanted to get user feedback on our application we prepared the demo version and semi structured interview with participants. However we also wanted to log the user movement and what they are generally looking at in the VR in real-time. You could use wired VR headset for this purpose, such as Oculus Link,… Continue reading Tracking user in web VR

Vojtěch Žák Leischner

Vojtěch Leischner is interested in video, computer vision, VR and New Media. In his practice he is developing both hardware and software. His author films were presented on many international festivals including new media FILE. He is leading workshops about interactivity and video automation for professionals and general public alike. Among his realizations are animations… Continue reading Vojtěch Žák Leischner

Categorized as team

VR Music Demo

Demo version of our VR music experience. Be the first to try Vritual Reality music accompanied by Matyáš Braun statues. As our composers are still working on their scores we turned to Artificial Inteligence AIVA to compose a piece for us. Virtual reality demo – best opened on desktop PC or in HTC / Oculus… Continue reading VR Music Demo

Kuks Festival

We will be premiering demo of our VR music experience at Kuks Festival 19-23.8.2020. Come along to be the first to try Vritual Reality music accompanied by Matyáš Braun statues. As our composers are still working on their scores we have comeup with Artificial Inteligence AIVA to compose a piece for us.

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