Listen to the composer: Ian Mikyska – A Spacious Equanimity

Ian talks about his creating process and ways of working with sound in VR space. He composed A Spacious Equanimity for Trick The Ear project inspired by sculptures of Love, Hope, Sloth and Despair, part of collection of Vices and Virtues by Matyáš Bernard Braun. Author statement When I got the brief for this piece,… Continue reading Listen to the composer: Ian Mikyska – A Spacious Equanimity

Listen to the composer: Gary Rushton – Ethicodrammi

Short Interview about Gary’s experience with composing music in VR for Trick The Ear project: Matyáš Bernard Braun:Anger/Bravery/Justice/PrideFrom the Statues of 24 Virtues and Vices atKuks Hospital, Czech Republic Author statement Virtue and Vice are rather closely tied together, one can often transform into the other by excess or deficiency. When I first saw the… Continue reading Listen to the composer: Gary Rushton – Ethicodrammi

VR Music Demo

Demo version of our VR music experience. Be the first to try Vritual Reality music accompanied by Matyáš Braun statues. As our composers are still working on their scores we turned to Artificial Inteligence AIVA to compose a piece for us. Virtual reality demo – best opened on desktop PC or in HTC / Oculus… Continue reading VR Music Demo